All Dawgs CPE Agility & 3 Weeks To Go!

Tish and I went to All Dawgs Academy for CPE agility today. She went 3 for 4 and it was HOT inside! We’re having teeter issues still, but she is running nice and fast, driving lines, developing some nice obstacle focus, and the few puppy brain moments we had were almost all her driving off to another piece of equipment, instead of going visiting. Very happy with her…just need to sort out that teeter! She finished her Level 2 Fun Games title (CL2-F) and is now in Level 4 Fullhouse!

Nina didn’t get to come and play agility, and I know she is feeling pregnant because she barely complained about it. I’ve had some lovely feedback from other Vallhund folks about what a nice choice of stud Tempest is. She was six weeks along as of yesterday, just three weeks to go! I’m getting the shopping underway for supplies (you can NEVER have too many towels!), Jim dragged the whelping box down from the attic, ready to be cleaned and freshened up, I went through my big box o’whelping supplies, threw out expired things and ordered replacements. I will move downstairs into the guest room (AKA the “whelping lounge” located off the family room) with Nina soon, so she is happy and comfortable in there well before the puppies arrive. She is quite round, but not enormous yet, the puppies do most of their growing in the last two weeks. I can feel them moving a bit now, just little fluttery movements, not the comparatively rowdy bumping around they’ll do in there in a week or two. She is having a bit of trouble navigating being a lap dog with her tummy, but she is still very much in the “content” stage of pregnancy, eating well (she loves getting lunch!), very cuddly and mellow, sleeping a lot but still has energy to play with the others (she and Tish had a good-natured jaw wrestling session on the couch when we got back from the agility trial this afternoon), being the queen about having the choice spots on laps and on the bed. We forgot her lunch one day last week and she SHOUTED at us until we realized and sheepishly served it up! She is HUNGRY. I am cautious about overfeeding her, since excess weight can make whelping more difficult (and can give you enormous puppies, too), but I won’t mind if she gets a little bit plush at this stage, since last time she ate very little in the last two weeks, except for bits of scrambled egg and Nutri-Cal that I begged her to eat.

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