Tamarack Lake AKC Agility Trial

What a GREAT weekend we had at the Tamarack Lake trial! One of our favorite judges (Zach Davis) at one of his last judging assignments, and WOW! The courses were very technical, I’m still rehabbing my knee/Achilles issue…AND ALICE DOUBLE DOUBLE Q’d! AND EVIE FINISHED HER OA TITLE, WON T2B, AND WAS GENERALLY AMAZING!

Zhora was off this weekend since we were staying over and she doesn’t love staying in motels (and at 12 years old, with a long career, she is allowed to more or less have what she wants). I crated out of my car, which I think really helped.

Alice Saturday Standard (QQ #4, first place):

Evie Saturday T2B (NQ but nice run):

Alice Saturday JWW (QQ #4, second place):

Evie Saturday Novice Jumpers (NQ):

Evie Saturday Open Standard title (OA):

Alice Sunday Standard (QQ #5):

Evie Sunday Standard (Excellent debut, NQ but wow what a nice try):

Evie Time 2 Beat (WON THE CLASS, look at how she reads and follows my decel/turning cue to the weaves!!!):

Alice Sunday Jumpers (QQ #5):

Evie Sunday Jumpers (NQ thanks to HALF A BAR DOWN):

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