Learning About Rewards!

Five good puppies had their nails Dremeled, and were paid in BABY FOOD for their trouble! They were all very good.

They have started the inevitable but distressing habit of nursing on each other. I tried to explain to them that this is not THAT kind of webcam, but they won’t listen.

I am leaving the baby gate open when I am in the room some of the time, and Rakki and Tish come in and poke their heads over the box wall to say hi now and then. I think Tish would like to jump in with them but she is being very respectful.

They all have teeth. BITEY teeth. They are fast approaching the point where stepping into the puppy pen is like stepping into a shark tank, and you worry you will grow shorter and shorter as they eat you from the feet up… They also have that charming habit of grabbing your toenails with their teeth and trying to lever them off…torture by puppy!

Weights today:

  • Aniston (yellow): 1660 grams or 3.66 pounds
  • Beals (gray): 1289 grams or 2.84 pounds
  • Connelly (blue): 1349 grams or 2.97 pounds
  • Donnelly (orange): 1490 grams or 3.28 pounds
  • Esposito (brown): 1522 grams or 3.36 pounds (she gained a LOT since at this point she is the most serious eater, the others will catch up!)

Dose of cute for the day (notice his little Sigmund Freud beard, very common!):


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