Very Sad News…
Earlier this week I thought Zhora was looking smaller instead of bigger, and just “less pregnant”. Today I learned I was right. Ultrasound showed she had reabsorbed the litter. Her uterus and ovaries look healthy, no cysts or obvious problems to be seen, we could see one implantation site where a puppy had been, but there were no puppies left in there. Reabsorption happens in about 30% of litters and they don’t always know why, sometimes it is inflammation (which can sometimes be related to the semen extender they use to keep the semen alive when it is shipped), sometimes infection, but sometimes you just don’t know. We will try again with a natural breeding and hope. Zhora is the only intact dog left from Nina, so it would be devastating not to get something to move forward with. I am very upset but I also know that nature sometimes does what nature does. Dog breeding is not for the faint of heart, I had already put a significant amount of effort, time and money into this litter, I was ready to get the whelping box set up this weekend, but then I started to get a feeling earlier this week that something was wrong, and I was unfortunately right. At least she can go back to agility now!
Sometimes fate puts things in perspective for you, I was driving home from the ultrasound appointment this morning, crying and feeling very sorry for myself, when a line of cars attending a funeral drove past me. I still have my awesome Zhora, Nina and Tish, I still have my awesome husband and wonderful family and great friends. It can always be worse. But still, as Roseanne Roseannadanna said, it’s always something.
June 30th, 2016 at 1:53 PM
You are so right. She is still healthy and you have your family intact. That is the main thing. I am looking forward to having Zhora back running with the V pack.
July 6th, 2016 at 8:07 AM
So sorry to hear this Amanda….:(