The last time we showed to judge Howard Etzel, we had a no Q weekend. This time Nina earned her MACH, earned QQ #21 (#1 towards MACH2), and had a perfect day today! Her tally for the weekend was two QQ’s (one of which earned her MACH), two Premier Jumpers Q’s, a Time 2 Beat Q and a Master FAST Q. Her best weekend to date.
I was crying so hard when I went to hug the judge I could barely see. This MACH has been a long and amazing and educational journey and there were times I thought that we might not get there, and that would have been fine anyway!
Every single run with Nina is a joy, Q or no Q, and I try very hard to never forget to feel grateful for each and every one, thanking her for the privilege of her effort is part of every run). So very, very proud of this little dog.
At 10 years old she is running faster and smoother than ever, she loves this game more than anything, she is still bouncing with excitement at the start line, and she was a qualifying machine this weekend. This might have been our best qualifying weekend to date!
She is just an amazing dog. And I think HER favorite part of her MACH was that she got another turn to run!
Bert was awesome too! He earned his first NAJ (Novice Agility Jumpers) leg, and is really starting to get the hang of the game! He goes home in September and I will really miss him, I look forward to seeing how he progresses!
Nina Friday FAST (Q):
Nina Friday Premier Jumpers (Q):
Nina Saturday Jumpers (MACH part 1):
Nina Saturday Standard (MACH!!!):
Bert Saturday Standard (NQ, but really coming along nicely!):
Bert Saturday Jumpers (first Jumpers Q!):
Nina Sunday Premier Jumpers (Q):
Nina Sunday Jumpers (part 1 of QQ #21):
Nina Sunday Time 2 Beat (Q, bonus scritches at the start):
Nina Sunday Standard (part 2 of QQ #21!):