Shuffling Complete

We have now officially shuffled off to Buffalo (well, Amherst to be exact…Snyder to be super-mega-exact). We arrived last Thursday after leaving Texas on Tuesday afternoon and driving all day Wednesday. There were some issues with getting into the house (we’re not closing until next Wednesday, so we’re technically tenants now, insurance hijinks ensued), but we got here with our two carsful of stuff, bought a futon so we’d have something to sleep on other than the floor and plonked ourselves down!

Our stuff arrived Wednesday, the little men came to unload it all for us yesterday, and now we are surrounded by boxes…but at least we slept in our own bed last night.  We haven’t decorated yet, but we have little paint chips all over the place (as my dad says, if we get enough of them we can just glue them to the walls and no need to paint).

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One Response to “Shuffling Complete”

  1. R. Says:

    Yay! You’re Home! How wonderful. You can relax now. Unpacking is the fun part. Non? How does Rakki help?
    (My friends, who just moved to Kingston, saw the movers come a day early so they were frantically packing boxes just ahead of them being put on the truck. Eep.)
    All the best. R.

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