The First Two Leave And Michelle!

Michelle Fromm and I became friends a decade ago at the Swedish Vallhund National Specialty in North Carolina. Our similar focus and priorities means that we’ve ended up working together on several litters now and our lines of dogs seem to mesh very well. I wanted to use Michelle’s Zar since I met him all those years ago, and Michelle and I began planning this litter back when Alice was just a puppy.

So many miracles happened, as they do. Not only did we have a successful frozen semen breeding (thanks to Renee and Dr Gray at Alliance), we had a VERY successful one, with SEVEN amazing puppies. So far I am absolutely thrilled with this litter, I am very excited to see them grow up. Michelle was always going to be taking a puppy home, and she’d had her eye on Green Boy for a long time. We’d talked back and forth a bit about her taking two, and she fell in love with Purple Girl, so both of them will be headed to Arizona! Most people should never think of raising littermates, but Michelle has the experience and the time to do it.

Green Boy is now Garion, AKA Alkemi Eclipse at Caliente LT. Purple Girl is now Alora, AKA Alkemi Emira at Caliente LT.

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