It’s Up to Zhora and Fate Now!
Well, round 2 done, seemed like she might be on her way out of ideal breeding time today so fingers, toes and eye crossed! (Why do the weekends always seem to get in the way?)
Bert’s contribution was amazing (Kim let me look at the drop she tested today under the microscope and holy moly there were SO MANY and they were SO VIGOROUS), and I can’t say enough good things about the ICSB Puppy Pak, super easy to use, and their extender is clearly some kind of wizardry!
It’s up to Zhora now, she was such a good girl for this weird alien abduction procedure! I think the cheese helped, she ate four sticks of string cheese while it was going on today! I hope, hope, hope this worked, this cross should be amazing.
We will know in a few weeks if we were successful. Watch this space!