Youngstown All Breed Training Club AKC Agility Trial
Zhora had her second perfect weekend in a row (other than an NQ in Premier), earning double Q’s #23 and 24, plus a placement in one run (some of the fastest 8″ dogs in the country run here so that was pretty cool!). Nina had some great runs but only pulled off a Master FAST Q. Judges Mary Mullen and Laura Kuterbach designed some deceptively tricky courses for us!
Saturday Nina Master FAST (Q, third place, 63 points):
Saturday Zhora Open FAST (Q, first place, 70 points):
Saturday Zhora Master Standard (part 1 of QQ #23, 27 points):
Saturday Nina Master Jumpers (NQ):
Saturday Zhora Master Jumpers (part 2 of QQ #23, 18 points):
Saturday Nina Premier Jumpers (NQ but nice run, I got in her way at the tunnel):
Saturday Zhora Premier Jumpers (NQ, handler errors!):
Sunday Nina Standard (NQ but nice run):
Sunday Zhora Standard (part 1 of QQ #24, fourth place, 25 points):
Sunday Nina Jumpers (NQ):
Sunday Zhora Jumpers (part 2 of QQ #24, 16 points):