What can I say about this dog? MACH 5 at 6.5 years of age with TWO breaks for puppies. She’s amazing. I am humbled and grateful to have her as my agility partner. Judge Mary Mullen’s courses were tough but really fun! I have some kind of crud so I was tired and winded and hoarse, but we got it done!

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Image may contain: 2 people, including Mary Hurm Mullen, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

I decided to try running Nina in Preferred. She isn’t having trouble with 8″ but it’s worth a try. Well…she sure liked it…she can run even FASTER if she doesn’t have to really jump…love that dog so much. Agility is her bacon bits.

And Alice! SO HAPPY with how she is coming along! I learned that, at least right now, she is more like Nina than Zhora for warmup. She doesn’t need revving up, she needs focus work. You’ll see in her Standard run she’s a bit crazy (that was when I revved her during warmup), whereas in her Jumpers run I did more focus/shadow handling type stuff and she was much more focused. Good to know! She earned her second Open FAST Q and had a LOVELY T2B run including 12 weaves. I am still very much not fixing much, if anything, with her, so I am happy as long as she engages with obstacles and stays with me. I am very impressed with the distance and independent obstacle performances she is showing!

Nina Saturday Jumpers (NQ but ALMOST a Q):

Zhora Saturday Jumpers (NQ, weird haunted weave poles for many dogs):

Zhora Saturday FAST (NQ):

Alice Saturday Open FAST (Q, note my “OH SHIT” moment when I see her take the dogwalk!):

Nina Saturday Standard (NQ):

Zhora Saturday Standard (Q, second place, 28 points):

Alice Saturday Novice P Standard (NQ):

Alice Saturday JWW Nov P (NQ):

Nina Sunday JWW (NQ):

Zhora Sunday JWW (Part 1 of MACH 5, close call! Fourth place, 17 points):

Alice Time 2 Beat P (NQ, but lovely run!):

Nina Sunday Standard (NQ….never stop being Nina, Nina…):

Zhora Sunday Standard (MACH5 ZHORA!! Third place, 29 points):

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