Western Lakes Training Club AKC Agility Trial
Alice’s first time in a two ring trial environment and she did great! Some zoomies, some slow runs, but overall really happy with where she’s at. Plus she earned her Open FAST Preferred title today!
Nina was Nina, every run is a blessing. Some almost Q’s.
Zhora was awesome, 5 for 6 with a triple Q today (QQ #102). Especially considering we had a huge ring conflict at the end of the day today and I basically ran Alice in Novice Standard and the other two girls in Mast Jumpers in a space of like 10 minutes. Two ring trials are so stressful when you have dogs in different levels.
Zhora Saturday Master FAST (Q, second place):
Alice Saturday Open FAST:
Alice Saturday Novice Jumpers (OMG I AM SO THRILLED WITH THIS RUN! I wish the start had been videoed, but holy moly I could really feel some mojo happening here!):
Zhora Saturday Standard (Q, first place, 3.72 YPS, 27 points):
Nina Saturday Standard (NQ):
Zhora Saturday Jumpers (NQ):
Nina Saturday Jumpers (NQ):
Alice Saturday Standard (NQ):
Zhora Sunday FAST (QQQ, third place):
Alice Sunday Open P FAST (Q and OFP title, zoomies but came back and worked and how about that distance?):
Alice Sunday Jumpers (NQ but weaves on first try! Focused = slow with this baby dog):
Zhora Sunday Standard (QQQ, third place, 3.723 YPS, 28 points):
Nina Sunday Standard (NQ):
Alice Sunday Standard (NQ but some good stuff):
Zhora Sunday JWW (QQQ, second place, just a few minutes after Alice’s Std run, 4.283 YPS, 15 points):
Nina Sunday JWW (NQ, handler error after the blind cross disconnect):