Archive for October 11th, 2017

20 Days Old! TEETH!

Wednesday, October 11th, 2017

Today I added a litter tray (it’s an old cookie sheet with a wee wee pad taped over it, for absorption and also it has an attractant odor, Popcorn and Frito were the first to use it!).

Litter pan at bottom right.

I’m also adding an egg crate foam pad underneath to give them yet more stuff to climb on.

And I noticed when I was doing their nails this afternoon that they have TEETH coming in! Poor, poor Zhora….but they will start to get some actual food this weekend!

On the puppycam you can see Jim gave them some toys to start interacting with.

Now that their eyes are open and they’re starting to be able to hear, they are really starting to interact with each other a lot – playing bitey-face, biting each others’ tails and legs, and nursing on each other. Popcorn and Frito (the little ones are further along in their walking skills, since they started earlier) can actually RUN a few steps at a time now.

They don’t have their startle reflex yet, but that should appear any day now, at which point we will trigger a startle/recovery several times a day – per Puppy Culture, triggering a startle/recovery regularly is important.