Archive for December 15th, 2019

Tamarack Lake Agility Trial

Sunday, December 15th, 2019

Judge Christy Bowers. I was SO GLAD I went to this trial – Denise organized a nice Christmas lunch on Friday, with wrapped presents for each dog, I really felt my agility community. I was mopey because of not being at the Invitational, and with Zhora at home under house arrest while she’s in season, Nina and Alice came to play (Alice is MUCH more interested in me when Zhora’s not around as it turns out!). Nina earned PACH QQ #13 on Friday the 13th, a JWW Q on Saturday and then full on glorious rabies mode in Standard (including pronouncing the judge’s table count “bullshit” and declining to get back on the table after she felt she’d been there long enough).

Alice had a SMOKING set of weaves in T2B Friday (I ran out to reward her), a Novice FAST Q, a Novice Standard Q and a really nice Open JWW NQ. I can feel the mojo! I’m really excited about her, I feel like we’re a team.

And then I got really sick last night, likely food poisoning, and ended up coming home early this morning after a very rough night. (Edited to add: not food poisoning, several people got sick)

Nina Friday Standard (PACH QQ #13):

Alice Friday Time 2 Beat (I didn’t connect at the start and then left her turned sideways so she knocked the first bar, but THOSE WEAVES!!):

Nina Friday JWW (PACH QQ #13):

Nina Saturday JWW (Q, 5 YPS):

Alice Saturday FAST (Q):

Nina Saturday Standard (RABIES MODE, this was her best berzerker run yet, I’ll take a thousand more NQ’s like this one):

Alice Saturday Standard (Q, leg #2 for NA):

Alice Saturday JWW (Open NQ, nice run, especially the end, I could really feel the connection):