Archive for January 23rd, 2022


Sunday, January 23rd, 2022

I usually start offering food around three weeks of age. They’re 20 days old today and everyone except Green Boy tasted some Royal Canin Puppy Mousse today! Green Boy said no thank you today. I will start offering them a little food every day, gradually increasing it as they get older. Eventually I will start offering them food before Alice goes in with them, but that will be after they move to The Big House. Right now Alice can come and go as she pleases.

They went on a field trip to the living room too! And listened to agility sounds from my videos (one heard Zhora barking on the video and barked back!?) as well as some thunderstorm sounds. We also dropped some things and slammed a door.

Days 19 & 20

Sunday, January 23rd, 2022

They are growing and changing quickly now! Today I will try offering them some real food for the first time (Royal Canin Puppy Mousse). Everyone got a dose of probiotics this morning (BeneBac). They are taking turns coming out into the living room one at a time for individual snuggle time, and we have started making loud noises. Alice has started interacting with their faces instead of just their bottoms now, and they have started approaching her head and face instead of just the milk bar – she’s now more than just a meal ticket to them.

Orange Girl with Jim and Grandma Zhora
Not just lunch
Cuddles are all well and good, but need to stay on top of toileting too!
The expression! Day 20 – the first time I’ve seen Alice nursing them standing up, this means they’re getting big and efficient

They continue to get something new in the box every day, and this will continue until they leave. I don’t leave toys in there for more than a couple of hours, since they are learning how to walk and they don’t need more obstacles than absolutely necessary. The pink bunny was yesterday’s victim:

And the blue ball was back today (it’s ok to recycle the same things since after a couple of days, it’s new again!):